Barcelona Dreaming
Barcelona Dreaming Rupert Thomson
Have you ever missed a city you have loved and lived in so much that you wish you could go back there for even just an instant? That is the case for me with my Barcelona. I lived there when I was 20 as part of my studies. You know how those years have it all? The luxury of living in a city center while not working, going to class, and learning constantly while having a rich and beautiful-filled social life without having to put in lots of effort apart from enjoying being part of a network of young people brought to you by the school.
That is all that led me toward picking up this book on the shelf. I finished it in record time, trying to immerse myself in all the streets, in the warmth and the cozy lights of the city that I love so much. But just as scents can bring you to a delicious state of comfort because they link back to something very beautiful to you, they might bring painful memories to others.
This book, this city, nourished the Madeleines de Proust that I binged on for a few weeks.