
Because there's nothing in France that entirely captures my heart. I always find something to critique in the country that witnessed my birth, nurtured, loved, disappointed, saw me love and be loved. This little country that saw me soar to neighboring lands first and then to the farthest possible. No hard feelings, my dear. Yet, on this French soil, this very one, there are so many beautiful things.

Because there's nothing perfect on this new soil that adopted me, took me in, embraced me. A bit 'too much' and 'not enough' at the same time. Because on this Southern Land, this very one, there are so many beautiful things.

So here I am, creating this space for me, for you, to forge a 'between two lands,' a utopia, I am aware, but thanks to the digital era that unfolds before us, a place that unites my France and my Australia. Where both shine in their best light, showcasing only their positive sides, the aspects I love so much. I'm creating a fictional country that blends a bit of everything I love, a bit of my yin and a bit of my yang. A bit of who I am. French, Australian. Franco-Australian. Australo-French.